About Our School

    A Brand New School with Old School Values 

Former graduates of Nicholls Elementary School standing in front of the new school building in their caps and gowns

  Our School's History 

Old School

Nicholls was chartered as an incorporated city on August 15, 1903.  Nicholls’ first public school, a two-story brick building which cost $10,000.00 to construct, was erected in 1909 and welcomed students in the fall. There were four recitation rooms and an auditorium that seated 300 persons.  Members of the Board of Education who served in 1910 were: Dr. S.L. Vinson, W.M. Brown, W. M. Teston, W.P. Lewis, and E.D. Douglas.  The faculty of Nicholls Public School for the 1910 school term were: Professor F. M. Hunter, principal; Miss Mamie Mc Donald, 1st & 2nd grades; Miss Myrtis Fields, 3rd & 4th grades; Miss Mary Belle Ellmore, 5th & 6th grades; Miss Emma Cadwell, music; and Professor Hunt, 7th & 8th grades.

The dedication to a quality educational program for students is still just as evident today as when the school was first constructed more than 100 years ago.  The present staff of Nicholls Elementary continues to provide a stable environment for the children of our rural community while offering a personal relationship with parents who share as stakeholders in the immense task of educating our valuable resource for the future, our children. 

   NES is a Title 1 school1.

   Here you can find out information about Title 1, Parent Engagement Plan, and School Compacts.  You will also find links to all of     the Parent Engagement Activities that occur throughout the school year. Please click the link below to find out more!

School Report Card

The Governor's Office of Student Achievement provides school reports for all public elementary, middle, and high schools in Georgia. These reports include useful information about the school, such as performance on statewide assessments, the make-up of the school’s student body, the graduation rate, and additional academic information. The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement (GOSA) creates these reports to provide parents with clear and concise information on school performance for all stakeholders.

School Report Card - Nicholls Elementary School